Als einziger Vertreter der Interessen von deutschen Markenunternehmen, haben wir nachfolgenden Kommentar zum Vorschlag von ICANN für eine dotMarke-Vorregistrierungsphase eingereicht. Es gilt dabei zu verhindern, dass Spekulanten, z.B. eine .orange Top-Level-Domain in einer verpflichtenden öffentlichen Vorregistrierungsphase anmelden um damit gleichnamige Unternehmen oder Gebietskörperschaften zum Herauskaufen des Vorregistrierungsplatzes zu zwingen. Wir haben uns dazu mit u.a. dem europäischen Markenverband AIM sowie dem Weltmarkenverband abgestimmt. Lesen Sie unseren Kommentar unter
Dotzon-Kommentar zum EOI
The EOI was initiated to provide ICANN staff with more planning reliability by providing data on key open issues. This refers to how many applications will there be in the first round, and what kind of strings will be filed. In the meantime it looks like the EOI replaces the perennial, bottom-up consensus based gTLD process in parts with a pre-registration process that favors insiders and encourages speculators. It even supports new business models just filing an EOI for speculative reasons, and after publication of the string approaching the TLD applicants with good faith to get a “golden handshake” from them for drawing back the application.
Please find below our comments based on the feedback of our clients (German brand owners):
- The EOI must be voluntary, since some of the overarching issues have not been solved yet. To start the application process or so-called pre-registration process without a clear definition of requirements is against ICANNs practice and not acceptable. Incentives for the EOI
- applicants could include regular applicant-only briefings, one-on-ones with ICANN staff and other services. The EOI deposit should be a reasonable amount, and depend on the category of the application. If the regular application window doesn’t open within 6 month after filing the EOI, the amount shall be refunded.
- The EOI communications’ campaign should substitute any further communication campaigns.
- The specific set of information gathered should be limited to as few information as necessary relating to the initial goal of the EOI – numbers and kinds of applications. With regards to the publication of this information we oppose the suggested public availablility. German companies don’t want to publish their application for strategic issues – so publication of the EOI applications should be anonymized by categories and without the entities’ name.
In summary, we urge ICANN to reconsider the scope and effectiveness of the EOI with regards to the initial goals of the EOI. We would like to encourage ICANN to complete the gTLD process as soon as possible to keep faith in ICANN, and foster competition and choice for consumers through new gTLDs. The EOI procedure must not delay ICANNs task of resolving the few remaining overarching issues.
Katrin Ohlmer, CEO, Dotzon GmbH